Each year, we at Discount Fabric Warehouse do a blanket drive to help organizations in our communities. This year is no different as with the current situation there are many families and keiki who need our help.
So What Can You Do?
During the months of September and October, bring in a homemade blanket to donate. We ask that the blankets be no smaller than 1 yard square (so 36″x36″) and made of child-friendly materials.
For your first donation, you will receive a $5 gift certificate. There is no limit on how many blankets you can donate, but the gift certificates are limited to 1 per person. Blankets must be homemade and meet the standards set by the organizations.
Where Are The Blankets Going?
The aim is to keep all blankets in our local communities. The blankets donated on the Big Island will be donated to Project Linus. More information on the organization can be found here. We are still working on getting the information for the Maui and Kauai organizations and will share them with you as soon as possible.
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