Category Archives: Uncategorized

26th Anniversary Sale

Help Us Celebrate Our 26th Anniversary!

It’s that time of year again! The time where we celebrate our anniversary and thank you all for being a part of this wild ride! While we were hoping that we would be able to celebrate our 26th anniversary with a party, we still don’t feel comfortable inviting so many people to gather in our stores. So we decided that it would be best to postpone the in-person celebration until next year and invite you all to come shop when it’s convenient for you – with a special sale, of course!

Through June 26, 2021, save 26% off all regular priced fabric! If it’s in stock, it’s on sale! This is the perfect time for you to stock up on the fabric for your upcoming projects or even to just add to your stash.

And we can’t forget about notions! We have some specially priced notions that are available at all of our locations! (Other notion specials vary by store.)

What about machines? We have the Best Prices of the Year on All Sewing Machines In Stock! If you’re still waffling and can’t decide whether or not to get that machine you’ve had your eye on, get it now! These are seriously the best prices we’ll have this year!

Thank You!

Thank you to all of you who have made our 26 years in business (so far) so amazing! We appreciate all of your support throughout the years.

Please note:

We are unfortunately unable to give inventory checks or provide prices through e-mail or social media. Please visit your local Discount Fabric Warehouse store if you are interested in any fabric, notions, or machines.

Baby Lock Difference Makers 2021

When we sew together, there’s no end to what we can create—or the difference we can make. Join us as we sew brighter days for foster children in our community. Often left with only a plastic bag to tote their belongings, these kids deserve a little sunshine. We’d love your help as we sew drawstring bags using Baby Lock machines to benefit children in our area.

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Spring 2021 VIC Postcard

The Spring 2021 VIC postcard is heading to mailboxes all across Hawai’i! They should be landing in your mail around March 08. See if you can spot the difference between this bag sale and ones that we’ve had previously!

Click the image above to be taken to the full size PDF!

If you do not receive your postcard by Friday, March 12, 2021, or have recently changed your address, or would like to be removed from our physical mailing list, please visit our Mailer Update Request page and fill out the form on that page. We can verify your address, update it, or completely remove it from our physical mailing list.

Kimberbell Sewin’ With My Gnomies Virtual Facebook Event

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve decided to continue refraining from in-person events at most of our stores at this time. But, we still want to offer you some fun virtual events!

Our first virtual embroidery event of 2021 is the popular Kimberbell Sewin’ With My Gnomies event! This two-day virtual event will take place on January 22 & 23, 2021 on Facebook! Registration will be limited to 10 participants so sign up today!

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Holidays 2020: Last-Minute Gift Guide

So, you still haven’t finished your Christmas shopping, huh? Maybe you’re trying to find those last few gifts and you’re running out of ideas and time. Well, we have some ideas that might help you find that gift for your sewing friend, quilter, or embroidery fan in your life. (Many of these ideas were given from various sewing friends. It was hard to pare them down to just these few!)

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